E-ISSN: 1309-6915
Volume : 16 Issue : 2 Year : 2024
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Volume: 16  Issue: 2 - 2021
1. Megaron 2021-2 Full Issue

Pages I - IV

2. Evolution of Office Space in Cinema and Television
Nihan Muş Özmen, Burak Asiliskender
doi: 10.14744/megaron.2021.70431  Pages 169 - 182
After capitalism, the emergence of factories separated home and work from each other. In the early years of capitalism, the workspace was the production space where business used material labour extensively. In the following years, a new workforce -immaterial labour- has emerged with the increase in paperwork and the replacement of human labour with machines in mass production. The workspace of this new workforce has no longer been the production site. Thus, the office has emerged to meet the needs of this workforce. Offices, the workspace of immaterial labour, have evolved in various ways since the early 1900s. As a result of mobility that emerged with globalization, people started to use not only offices but also various places (cafes, airports etc.) as workspaces and the concept of office has become even more flexible. Starting from the mobile era of today, how is the workspace going to be in the future? Is there going to be a workspace called ‘the office’? With reference to these questions, the present study focuses on the evolution of office space to draw a perspective on the changes over years. Firstly, the emergence of workspace is mentioned, which is closely tied to capitalist production. Afterwards, the evolution of workspace is analysed historically, and it is visualized with the help of movies and tv series that include office spaces. In addition, future scenario based movies and tv series are examined to create a view about future lifestyle and work life. Finally, there are recommendations for future office spaces that may respond to the needs of flexible and mobile workers.

3. Reviewing Flexibility in Housing with Free Sorting Method
Melisa Diker, M. Tolga Akbulut
doi: 10.14744/megaron.2021.34976  Pages 183 - 196
It is seen that houses which fail to satisfy user needs -even though they are newly built- are modified/transformed by users. As these modifications and transformations sometimes require significant physical procedures in inflexibly-designed houses, it causes some loss in terms of money, work-force and time. It can be stated that houses with “Flexible Design” characteristics are more suitable as they can answer to these modifications and transformations more easily. For that reason, the main purpose of the study carried out within this article can be summarized as to contribute to sustainable house manufacture methods by revealing users’ perception of flexible house concept and how they define flexibility in house, supplying data for design processes in new house manufacturing process. The article is comprised of subtitles in which; flexible house concept in Turkey and the world is presented based on the literature, information is given about types of flexibility in house and spatial and functional flexibility parameters, method of the study is explained, obtained data is evaluated and presented results are discussed. In this study carried out with the aim of understanding users’ perspectives on flexibility, multiple sorting method, which was exercised by examiners like Hershberger, Sanoff, Groat in their works, was utilized and 20 photo cards, determined with the choice of experts on their subjects (architectures-interior designers) according to spatial and functional parameters in house were used in order for participants to classify and define them. The study was carried out with the contribution of 70 participants, designated according to the differences on their gender and education levels, participants noted the data they sorted and defined, and content analysis was performed for this data. Ultimately, it was found out that participants sorted and defined these photographs under 13 categories and obtained data was assessed and discussed within the study.

4. A Performance Evaluation Tool for Inclusiveness in University Campus Outdoor Spaces
İlkay Dinç Uyaroğlu
doi: 10.14744/megaron.2021.35336  Pages 197 - 211
Education and right to access are among central issues of a democratic public life as well as higher education. Inclusion of students with disabilities (SWDs) in university campuses necessitates a holistic campus design beyond compliance, calling for a wide-ranging and systematic design with guiding inclusive design parameters. This is a significant prerequisite in Turkey since SWDs experience spatial exclusions in university campus spaces due to piecemeal and case-based design applications. Its achievement depends on co-experienced and thereby co explored way of understanding collective voices of all users. This study is aiming at exploring design parameters for inclusive university campus outdoor spaces together with the shared spatial experiences addressing needs, desires, and preferences of SWDs in an equal way. To achieve it, firstly, a field study was conducted to comprehend spatial experiences of ‘real’ users in Middle East Technical University (METU); secondly, the field research is evaluated within the context of Kevin Lynch’s (1981) normative theory to discover, analyze, and contextualize inclusive design parameters of outdoor campus spaces. Campus Accessibility Evaluation Index (CAEI) is created with the help of empirically grounded design parameters to test the developed normative framework within the study. This study claims that proposed performance evaluation tool can fill in a gap between technical and theoretical sources through the holistic guidance of inclusive architectural practices in university campuses for all.

5. A Research On the Relationship Between Problem-Solving Appraisal, Attention, and Visuospatial Skills of First-Year Architecture Students
Aktan Acar, Şebnem A. Soysal Acar, Elif Ünver
doi: 10.14744/megaron.2021.98623  Pages 212 - 222
The first-year students in architectural education must deal with design exercises and studio processes that involve problems they have not encountered before. It is essential to understand the intellectual and cognitive personal resources students use to deal with the unique problems and issues of the first year. Attention and their appraisal of their own problem-solving skills can be presented as one of the primary personal resources. These resources should be considered in terms of student-centered and personalized, healthy, and sustainable learning. This dimension of learning is of great importance, especially in the emergency distance education process due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The objective of the study is to investigate the relationship between problem-solving appraisal, attention, and visuospatial skills of first-year architecture students. The research is an experimental study. Neuropsychological assessment tools and scales were used. There are Turkish standardization studies for these neuropsychological assessment tools. These tools have norm values on a healthy sample, which were benefited as control group scores. For visuospatial skills, Raven Standard Progressive Matrices test and Benton Judgment of Line Orientation test; for attention, STROOP test TBAG version were administrated. Problem-Solving Appraisal Inventory were given to record the students’ their own validation and assessment on their own problem-solving skills. Participants were volunteer first year architecture students, who complied with the inclusion criteria. The sample was composed of 40 (26, %65.0, female, 14, %35.0, male) students. Age range was 18-22. It was observed that the students participating in the study evaluated their own problem-solving skills positively. It was found that female participants evaluated their problem-solving skills as more advanced regarding to planfulness factor, whereas for male students it was the selfconfidence factor. The neuropsychological test performances of the participants who evaluate their own problem-solving skills negatively were lower. Findings suggest that participants whose problem-solving skills are incompatible with the age group need improvement in decision-making, action, part-whole relationship, visual motor speed, and resistance to confounders or distractors. It was concluded that students who evaluated themselves as better problem solvers in evaluative approach, self-confidence and planfulness dimensions performed better in visuospatial assessment. Architectural education raises issues and challenges which might be quite problematic for the first-year students. Students are expected to gain knowledge, skills, and competence in a new field. Design exercise itself is either undefined or ill-defined. Focusing mainly on the non-working, inconsistent, or missed opportunities instead of positive aspects of the design proposal initiates new challenges that the students must encounter. Students are expected to formulate and manage their problem-solving challenge, which is mostly supported with negative feedbacks and criticism. It is possible to claim that the academic performance of a person who is made to feel worthless by reinforcing their negative judgments about their own skills and competencies decreases. Creativity and innovation, critical thinking, problem solving, decision making, learning to learn, metacognitive awareness, communication and collaboration are the 21st century skills which are the key skills preparing the societies and individual to the future. The COVID-19 pandemic and the measures taken to combat the epidemic, especially emergency distance education, have reminded the vital importance of the skills mentioned above. The skills emerge and develop individually on the basis of personal resources and individual’s social context. The idea that these skills can be improved by means of architectural design education is not a defensible claim within the scientific framework of learning and development. Studies in the areas of learning and development recommend the understanding, evaluation and appraisal of the student’s own personal intellectual and cognitive resources. The design exercise proceeds through processes similar to solving real life problems. The studio environment can be defined as a social learning environment based on problem solving. How first year architecture students appraise their own problem-solving skills has not been studied sufficiently. The benefits of these research can be listed as follows: Students’ individual differences can be revealed. Changes in their academic performance can be observed. Students’ attitudes towards feedback can be explained. The relationship between students’ attitudes towards their own skills and competencies and their academic performance can be observed and studies can be carried out to improve performance. The findings of these and similar studies show that individuals’ metacognitive awareness, self-efficacy perceptions of their knowledge, skills and competencies and their self-control over them are the keys to intellectual and academic development.

6. The Place of Earthquake in Architectural Education and the Educational Dimension of the Earthquake: An Evaluation of the Global Agenda and Turkey Context
Ayla Ayyıldız Potur, Haşim Metin
doi: 10.14744/megaron.2020.94210  Pages 223 - 254
Due to tectonic - seismic - topographic structure, Turkey which is among the most affected countries in global scale of the earthquakes, the role of architects associated with disaster / earthquake phenomenon is important in terms of “interdisciplinary relations”, “processes related to planning”, “the process of earthquake resistant building design”, “the process of earthquake resistant building construction and inspection”, “post-disaster recovery, reconstruction process”. In this context, in this research, the professional responsibility area of the architect was evaluated with these criteria and the role of the architect in relation to the “disaster management phases” was questioned. The place and the importance of earthquake in the architectural education which is based on the foundations of the profession was evaluated as through comparative global agenda (USA, Japan, Turkey) by quantitative and qualitative dimensions. In addition to this general framework, the local context of the subject was questioned in terms of the “educational dimension of the earthquake”. The data was obtained through program, curriculum and course contents shared online and by reaching the institutions through correspondence in case where digital access is not possible. Turkey context, compared to the international agenda, was questioned by a slightly wider frame. A situation assessment has been made in terms of undergraduate programs, graduate programs and supportive learning environments. These data also provided the basis for the holistic assessment carried out in terms of education. The proposals developed have been classified in a very broad scope under different headings due to the multifaceted relations of the phenomenon of disaster / earthquake with architectural education and architectural professional practice. Thus, suggestions have been developed in various scopes including “Regarding General Responsibility”, “Regarding Planning Decisions”, “Regarding Interdisciplinary Relations”, “Regarding Undergraduate Curriculum, Architectural Design Studio Courses”,“ Regarding Supportive Learning Environments” for architectural education. The results show that, in terms of architectural education practices (undergraduate / graduate / supportive learning environments) and the requirements of the mechanism which the training is based (structure design / production / inspection system and related legislation), the 1999 Marmara Earthquake directly triggered some developments in terms of “learning from disasters”, “the educational dimension of earthquake” in its early years, but this acceleration has not been permanent in the past 20-year period. In this context, the proposals are about the necessity of providing a multidimensional set of relationships in terms of issues such as an integrated system organization. In this context, in relation to disaster / earthquake phenomenon, together with the self-criticism provided on qualitative and quantitative determinations, it is thought that the research will contribute to “the architectural education”, “architectural profession field” and therefore the country’s “architectural practice and policy”. The Marmara Sea (Silivri) earthquake (September 26, 2019) that occurred during the evaluation process of this article was felt in the entire Marmara Region. This earthquake, which took place in the 20th year of the 1999 Marmara Earthquake, is important in terms of social memory and reminding the disaster reality, as it was felt in a large, populated area. On the other hand, the Coronavirus Pandemic, which emerged in the evaluation process of this article and declared as a global epidemic by the World Health Organization, is within the scope of epidemiological disaster risks. Due to its global effects occurring simultaneously all over the world, Pandemic is an important milestone and breaking point in terms of being prepared for all kinds of disasters because of its vital - economic - sociological - psychological dimensions. It is thought that the pandemic is important in terms of re-questioning the period, which can be described as the “Anthropocene Age”, when the human being was at the center and nature was interpreted as an “unlimited resource” to meet human needs. This questioning may have the potential to alter - transform general trends all over the globe. It is possible that these changes will have an intense effect on architectural education and architectural professional practice. It is among the promising predictions that the young generation at the education stage, who faced the earthquake disaster -without painful consequences-through the Silivri Earthquake and experienced the effects of the pandemic -an epidemiological disaster- will have a more sensitive and conscious base for the ethical, global, social responsibilities of the architectural professional practice.

7. Non-Price Criteria in Public Tenders for Restoration and A Comparison with Neues Museum Case
Erkan Kambek, Gülsün Tanyeli
doi: 10.14744/megaron.2021.68094  Pages 255 - 270
Realizing a restoration project is different than new construction projects, however there is no difference between them in a public tender procedure. Contracts are awarded based only on the lowest price criteria in public tenders. Awarding a restoration contract based on lowest price criteria creates low quality. That’s why this paper is studying if there are any viable possibilities to involve non-price criteria in public tenders for restoration. The aim of this study is to evaluate the possibilities of using non-price contract award criteria within the scope of the current legislative restrictions in public restoration tenders. Also to seek ways of involving scientific methods for restoration contractor selection. To achieve these goals, comparison, case discovery and consultation methods were used. The possibilities of the legislation are investigated for contract awarding and the legislation in Turkey is compared with the legislation of EU. As a result of this comparison, how the non-price contract award criteria included in both regulations can be used in the restoration tenders in our country has been evaluated. Contract awarding criteria are listed using the Berlin Neues Museum example. The list is compiled hierarchically under the main and sub-criteria and a comparison survey study was done with twenty conservation specialists all with at least ten years of academic experience in the field. Results of the survey evaluated by using the AHP method to determine the weights of criteria. Within the scope of this study, the opinions of experts were taken on the determination of the weights of the contractor selection criteria using the AHP method. Further studies can be done with other stakeholders in a conservation project to see their perspective on contractor selection criteria. For example, employers, users and administrators of the subject can be evaluated using similar methods. Furthermore, mixed expert groups consisting of different stakeholders can be formed and studies can be conducted to determine what the contractor selection criteria can include and how the weights are distributed. The non-price criteria evaluated in this study are limited to those used in the Neues Museum. Since there is no limitation for non-price criteria in legislation, future studies with different criteria can be produced for the use of non-price criteria in heritage field and can be compared with the results here. In general, quantitative criteria are proposed for contractor selection. However, each heritage project is unique. For this reason, the selection criteria of the contractor in heritage projects should include qualitative characteristics compatible with the project. Past experience is not included in the contractor selection criteria in some previous studies. According to the results of our paper, past experience is seen as a very important criterion by experts. It will be appropriate to use past experience quality criterion in contractor selection. However, in the selection of the contractor, the bid price is required to be included among the criteria by the legislation. This paper shows selection criteria and weights of criteria may change according to the case. That’s why, rather than a model focused on quantitative criteria of contractor, a method can be developed in which the weight of qualitative criteria is sufficient to increase the quality. Awarding the contract at the lowest price for heritage projects is considered problematic. The quality of the past experiences, organization and team of contractor have no effect on the result of the mine the contractor selection together with non-price criteria, as shown in this study, in provision of the current legislation. It is known that the selection of unqualified contractors in cultural heritage projects leads to failures, delays, arguments and irreversible damages. In order to prevent these negativities, it is possible to include experts in the process and to include non-price criteria in contractor selection process with AHP or similar multi-criteria decision making methods. This study shows that selection of contractor in restoration tenders can be made by using non-price criteria within the scope of the current legislation. It has been found that the lowest price application is not necessarily the main criterion for the selection of contractors anymore. It is realized that the quality of conservation practices should be increased by evaluating the non-price criteria to select the contractor. At the same time, we pointed out that there are scientific methods to select contractor in public tender process of a restoration project.

8. A Restitution Study for the Plans of a Group of Traditional Erzurum Houses in İbrahim Paşa District
Emriye Kazaz
doi: 10.14744/megaron.2021.85520  Pages 271 - 285
The aim of this study is to purpose a restitution for the plan of a group of traditional Erzurum houses, which were built as independent but adjacent houses in the second half of the 18th century in the historical city center of Erzurum, by examining the spatial, structural and functional transformation with the abolition of borders while transforming into a café/restaurant. These traditional Erzurum houses are located at the intersection of Raşit Paşa and Salih Yüzbaşı Streets in İbrahim Paşa District, which is one of the historical settlements in the south west of Inner Castle. Houses once used independently began to be used as a single building with a number of changes made in the plan layout. However, during the change of function, facade layout and numerous spaces intertwined under the same roof and this made it difficult to understand the original plan scheme of the buildings. As there is a lack of documentation of the changes made and the presence of ambiguity in the different verbal information sources about the buildings, the main problem of this study is to determine the number of houses the cafe/restaurant consists of. Other important problems are the determination of the boundaries and the spatial organization of the houses. In addition, the scarcity of written sources in literature about these historic adjacent houses, which are numerous but more modest in the urban fabric compared with the two-story independent houses, increases the importance of this study. In order to reveal the changes and transformation of a group of traditional Erzurum houses built independently but adjacent to each other, first of all, traditional Erzurum houses were examined architecturally under the headings of location, plan and facade layout, material and construction technique properties. Then the architectural features and possible traces of change on this group of buildings, which were not mentioned in any source or document, were revealed in terms of location and plan features. After documentation of the current situation, property deeds, cadastral plans, satellite images, old photographs, historical and current maps, traces of the buildings themselves, information about traditional Erzurum houses and comparative studies were used to understand the different building phrases and restitution of the plan of these buildings. When the archive documents are evaluated, it is understood that the group of buildings were built in the second half of the 18th century according to Nene Saliha Hanım’s Foundation record dated to 1791-92. Also, parcel numbers with 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 belong to a foundation named “Nene Saliha Hanım” and parcel numbers with 5, 15, 16, 17, 18, 41 and 42 belong to private property according to the land registers. Within the building group, in addition to eight independent houses analyzed spatially, functionally and structurally, the external body walls and garden boundaries of at least two more houses, which do not exist currently, were identified. Possibly, a khan might have existed in the place of one. Unlike the traditional Erzurum houses mentioned in the literature, these houses, for which a restitution is prepared, have a simple spatial organization consisting of one or two rooms. The studied houses, which contain many clues about the social and cultural life style of the old Erzurum city, yet which are decreasing in number, should be registered as cultural assets by the relevant Conservation Board. Additionally, the reconstruction permit decision given in the Conservation Development Plan for this region that conforms to many protection criteria such as historical, architectural, continuity, rarity and memorial value with its structure, parcel and streets should be re-evaluated. This study is important as it reveals that these single-story houses, which are stacked in a building block on a traditional street texture, with modest architectural organization should be part of the relevant literature on traditional Erzurum houses, which mainly deals with independent separate two-story houses owned by wealthy families. In addition, it is stated for the first time in the literature with this study that the parcels inside the building block get access to the main street through a common closed inner street, in contrast to the houses lined up adjacent to each other on independent lots on the street.

9. Wind Flow Analysis on Simple Plan-Shaped Buildings
Tuğba İnan Günaydın
doi: 10.14744/megaron.2021.99975  Pages 286 - 305
Understanding the wind effects on the building is of great importance in the architectural field. The present study focuses on the analyse of various simple plan shaped buildings with different aspect ratios under various wind velocity to examine wind pressure distributions, and velocity distributions on and around the building. Therefore, the main evaluation criteria are plan shapes, building aspect ratios, storey height and wind velocity. With this aim, ANSYS Fluent 20.0 Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software package program is used for the analysis. As a result of the study, it has been observed that the aspect ratios of width/height ratios (WR) and length/height (LR) ratios, building plan shape and wind velocity significantly affect the wind characteristics of the building. It has been observed that the change in the plan geometry did not have a significant effect on pressure coefficients on leeward surface. However, the change on the plan shape or variation in the aspect ratios have critical effects in the pressure coefficients on side surfaces. As the length of the building increased, the pressure values increased on the side surfaces. On the other hand, it has been noticed that building aspect ratios have significant impacts on pressure values. The most critical pressure values were observed on windward surface and on side surfaces in D4 model which has the greatest length ratio (L/H) of 6.0.

10. A Study on Sound Level Calibration for Listening Tests Performed with Headphones in Architectural Acoustics
Ezgi Türk Gürkan, Zerhan Yüksel Can
doi: 10.14744/megaron.2021.56244  Pages 306 - 314
Subjective evaluations are frequently used in design, renovation or improvement stages in architectural acoustics. Listening tests are one of the frequently used methods in subjective acoustic evaluations. These studies are generally carried out in existing halls or the auralizations digitally created in computer modellings. Listening tests can be conducted via speakers or headphones. Considering the relationship between the sound level and intelligibility, it is expected that the sound level of the recording transmitted may affect the evaluations. It is seen that the necessary importance is not given to the issue of “giving sound energy to the listener at the level obtained in the simulations” in the listening tests. The aim of this study is to reveal the method that will eliminate the deficiency of sound level calibration in listening tests performed with headphones. It is aimed that the study sets an example for listening tests performed with headphones, so to be able to get accurate evaluations via subjective evaluation tests. For sound level calibration, the sound pressure level transmitted to the listener must be equal to the sound pressure level measured or calculated in the computer models. This also applies to presentations employing both speakers and headphones. Within the scope of the study, a hall is modelled and a listening record was created over the acoustic simulations on this model. The sound pressure level, which is the target value to be measured at the headphone output, is calculated for the listener point through the simulation. Sound level measurements are performed using a head & torso simulator in order to provide sound energy output equal to the sound pressure level calculated in the computer. Thus, the level settings of the system, which are determined to be used in listening tests, can be fixed. Head & torso simulators can simulate the human hearing character and are used for accurate measurements. Using methods without simulator, such as placing a microphone between headphones or placing headphones on the headsets can affect the measurement accuracy. The sound level calibration study for a prepared hall model is shared. In this context, acoustic modelling of the hall is prepared and objective room acoustics parameters, including sound pressure level, are calculated for a specified audience point. Since the real listening conditions in the hall will be conveyed to the subjects, auralizations are carried out using raw speech signals (recorded in an anechoic room) to the simulation. Listening recordings to be used in listening tests are obtained through these auralizations. As a stable signal is required for level calibration, it is not a correct approach to use speech signals in sound level calibration stage. Therefore, white noise is used in this stage. Listening recordings prepared with white noise signal are transmitted through headphones and level measurements are made using a head & torso simulator. The sound level setting of the system is adjusted and fixed until the measured sound level is equal to the target level. Although the details are not included in the study, calibration studies are repeated for different models. The sound pressure level at the headphone output is measured using the head & torso simulator. It is ensured that the sound pressure level obtained in the measurement and calculation in the modelling corresponds to each other. With this method, the target sound pressure level can be read at the headphone output. This will ensure that subjective evaluations are compiled in accordance with the actual acoustic situation and accurate subjective evaluations to be collected. In repeated calibration studies for different hall models, it is observed that the sound level setting determined for one specific model is not suitable for other models. This reveals the necessity of the study. The sound level calculated in the modelling is transferred to the subjects correctly. Sound level control, which is generally not considered in listening tests performed within the scope of subjective evaluations in architectural acoustics, is important for accurate evaluations. It is important to give the correct sound pressure level to the subjects in order to get accurate evaluations in architectural acoustics. The present study emphasizes the importance of sound level calibration in listening tests. As the necessary importance is not given to the calibration stage, the study will contribute to the elimination of this deficiency in subjective evaluations.

11. Analyzing the Causes and Effects of Rural Landscape Changes: The Case of the Ordu Province of Eastern Black Sea Basin (Turkey)
Berna Dikçınar Sel
doi: 10.14744/megaron.2021.44520  Pages 315 - 324
Building on the perspective that indigenousness of cultural landscapes must be protected, the present article studies the changes on landcover/landuse; one of the most important components of cultural landscapes. The aim is to provide data for future planning studies protecting cultural landscapes. This study is carried out in three stages. In the first stage, landcover is investigated in five time points (1990, 2000, 2006, 2012, and 2018), in four main categories (artificial surfaces, agricultural areas, forest areas, water bodies), and the changes are reported comparatively. In the second stage, examinations are detailed according to the first stage’s results. Transitions among categories which led to significant changes, and the transition process is analyzed. Landscape Transition Matrix and transition intensities are calculated for three time points and two time periods. In the last stage, landcover transitions according to subclasses are analyzed. In the conclusions section, causes and effects of the changes are discussed. This study is providing detailed inputs to future solutions by incorporating the landcover categories among which the transitions occurred, periods of these transitions, and analyzing the intensity of the subclasses. The sample area selected is Ordu province in the Eastern Black Sea Region, where the climate with high precipitation, harsh topography, its forests, scattered settlement pattern, agricultural production, and migration activities differentiate among the Anatolian Peninsula. The results of the analyses are indicating that the landcover changes are against the agricultural and forest areas, and the problem lies within the uncontrolled expansion of hazelnut gardens.

12. The Impact of Place Attachment of Historical Neighborhood Residents On the Tourism Support
Aslı Altanlar
doi: 10.14744/megaron.2021.90236  Pages 325 - 335
This article studies the relationship between the place attachment of historical neighborhood residents, the effects of tourism, and the support for tourism. The study was conducted in ten historical neighborhoods in Central Amasya, which are the best examples of Turkish civil architecture of small squares, Islamic-Ottoman social complexes, and mosques. Total sample number for 3336 houses was determined as 345. The questionnaires were applied between October and December 2017 on weekdays and weekends alike with simple random sampling method. A total of 460 houses agreed to answer the questionnaire. Principal components analysis was applied to determine the construct validity of place attachment and tourism effects scales. In order to discover the relationship between the place attachment scale of the participants and perceived effects of tourism & the support for tourism scales, Spearman’s correlation test is applied as nonparametric test method. According to the study results, it was determined that place-based sense of belonging and social attachment had an influence on the residents’ perception of and approach towards tourism. It is seen that neighborhood residents were in agreement that tourism would have positive effects on the neighborhood and that they did not develop any concerns about any negative effects of tourism. Similarly, it is understood that the more place attachment neighborhood residents had, the more supportive they were of any touristic endeavors. This indicates that any negative developments that may arise with functional changes that comes with touristic endeavors might cause a negative impact on their approach to and support of tourism.

13. Examination of Sustainability in Airport Terminal Buildings within the Framework of LEED Certificate
Figen Çelik, Ş. Tülin Görgülü
doi: 10.14744/megaron.2021.62447  Pages 336 - 349
Today, convenient and flexible transportation has greatly promoted the rapid development of the global economy and society, but at the same time, the increase in traffic has also negatively affected sustainability. While promoting economic development and solving social employment issues, aviation has also caused huge environmental impacts. For this reason, airports around the world, especially since the early 2000s, create a more environmentally friendly corporate profile with the pressure of various internal and external stakeholders, to reduce the environmental and socioeconomic impacts caused by aviation operations, and try to provide a safe and inspiring work environment for both users and employees. It is just one of these efforts that an increasing number of airport operating organizations are certified for widely used rating systems. Recently, an increasing number of airport authorities around the world have been receiving certificates of sustainable rating systems valid worldwide for their terminals and service buildings. These certification systems are issued to ensure sustainable building practice and to mitigate certain environmental impacts; while they encourage the use of the most effective techniques to reduce water and energy consumption, provide regulations on land use, pollutants and waste management, they actually fail to solve aviation-related problems. With the present study, it was aimed to examine the terminal buildings where the LEED green building certification system is applied, their competence in airport sustainability by making comparative analyzes to find the strengths and weaknesses of the certificate. LEED Certification System, the most widely used green building certification system in world, has selected as research subject and also it was aimed to investigate the contribution of the certificate to the sustainability of the airports. Terminals with LEED certification have been selected and analyzed comparatively because they are the first in their category. For this purpose, literature review method, one of the data collection methods, was used to collect information about the sustainable airport development process. In the literature review method, conferences, studies, academic publications, journals, books, rating systems that disclose airport sustainability performance, sustainability guidelines published by aviation authorities, practices deemed by the authorities and internet resources were examined. Considering the sustainable design approaches in the LEED green building rating system, certified airport terminal buildings examined within the scope of the study, and it is seen that similar design decisions are generally taken. As a result of the examination; it has been determined that studies on land selection, energy, indoor air quality and innovation gain importance, and terminals that score points in these titles receive positive opinions. LEED rating system focuses on the physical health of people in a wide range such as indoor air quality, acoustic and thermal comfort, lighting, and ventilation. In addition, the use of recycled and certified materials is encouraged, and the use of alternative water resources such as water conservation, quality, recycling and the use of gray water is supported. It must be kept in mind that the airport behaves as a set of very different spaces and each of these spaces should be evaluated seperately. The airport includes terminal buildings for commercial activities and passenger treatment (cafeterias, restaurants, shops, etc.). It also includes buildings and facilities where the air traffic is managed or basic aeronautical activities are carried out. These infrastructures will differ greatly from the existing certifying models for buildings. Airport operations involve a range of functions that affect the environment, including operation of aircraft; operation of airport and passenger vehicles and airport ground service equipment, de-icing and anti-icing of aircraft and airfields; fueling and fuel storage of aircraft and vehicles; airport facility operations and maintenance; and construction. As a result; it has been determined that a complex system such as airports is insufficient for LEED certification, and it has been proposed to establish an alternative rating system to cover the planning, design and construction and implementation stages of airports. For this purpose, it is necessary to develop a functional rating system model that facilitates the evaluation of the landside and airside facilities of the airport. In this way, studies for evaluating the facilities that interact with each other and reducing the environmental impacts caused by aviation can be carried out simultaneously. The rating system to be used to ensure and establish sustainability; must be directly proportional to the capacity, size and function of the airport and comply with local / regional legislation and regulations for airports. Because of the airports consist of landside and airside facilities and these facilities have their own problems the proposed system should be arranged to cover the planning, design and construction, operation and maintenance phases of the airports and should include arrangements for “Land Side” and “Air Side” facilities within itself.

14. Manufacturing Techniques, Deterioration, and Restoration Problems of Traditional Gypsum Windows
Drahşan Uğuryol, Mehmet Uğuryol
doi: 10.14744/megaron.2021.87360  Pages 350 - 365
The use of gypsum windows (revzen), which are decorated upper windows created by placing glass between gypsum plaster frames, have found wide application in Ottoman architecture from religious structures such as mosques and tombs and imperial structures such as palaces and summer palaces to civil structures such as pavilions and mansions. Decorated with fine plaster craftsmanship and coloured glasses, the gypsum windows were used as part of the interior decoration as well as the window. Manufacturing techniques of gypsum windows vary according to their location in the building. It is common to see that the ones with thick frames and glasses are usually mounted to the window openings facing outwards, and that the ones with thinner frames and decorative coloured glasses are generally mounted to the window openings facing inwards. It is also possible to come across examples that can be seen from both sides, on inner walls overlooking the interiors that receive daylight. It was observed in the literature review conducted within the scope of this study that the national and international literature are inadequate in terms of publications regarding the conservation and restoration methods and material analysis of gypsum windows, which have a wide range of use in monumental structures and civil architecture. Likewise, there are few publications on cleaning and consolidation of other architectural gypsum plaster elements. The research questions that arise from the deficiencies in the literature and motivate this study are as follows:
• What are the deterioration processes in gypsum window components (i.e., gypsum, glass, reinforcement) caused by the location of the window in the building and environmental factors?
• What are the suitable conservation methods that can be used for cleaning glass and plaster frames in gypsum windows exposed to environmental pollution and degredation?
• What are the methods that can be used in the repair of glass, gypsum plaster frames and frame reinforcements and, when necessary, in the renewal in accordance with the original state of the artwork?
• By which methods can the plaster frames in gypsum windows be reinforced permanently, or temporarily in repair work?
• What are the preventive conservation measures, and care and maintenance operations for gypsum windows?
From these points of view, in the present article, material properties, deterioration processes of traditional gypsum windows, and compatible conventional and new methods that can be used in the conservation and restoration interventions of these decorative elements such as cleaning, consolidation and repair were emphasized. Especially, certain methods and materials that can be applied during plaster cleaning and consolidation, which are difficult processes due to the sensitivity of gypsum, and that are available to use in the repair of window glass, which is an essential phase in the glass conservation process, have been discussed both with their positive and negative aspects. Thus, it was aimed to identify the problems related to conservation and restoration of gypsum windows, to propose solutions by discussing and evaluating the methods in the conservation literature and hence contribute to field studies. In this context, following the introduction section, the manufacturing techniques of the gypsum windows are given in detail and systematically in the second section by supporting the reviewed literature information with original application photographs and schematic drawings. In the third section, in the subtitles under the main heading of Causes of Deterioration and Restoration Problems, the sensitive structure of the gypsum caused by its physical and chemical properties, reinforcement corrosion, damage to the wooden frames, pollutants, chemical deterioration of the window glasses, difficulties in the renewal of the windows glasses, and old repairs and renovations were investigated. Restoration Stages of Gypsum Windows were discussed in the fourth section under these subsections: documentation and diagnostics, cleaning of gypsum frames, cleaning of glass, repair, completion and reproduction (renewal) of gypsum frames, conservation and consolidation of gypsum frames, repair of glasses, maintenance and repair of wooden frames. In addition, care and preventive conservation activities that can be realized to reduce the need for restoration works of gypsum windows were included the fifth section. Finally, in the conclusion section, it is aimed to guide future studies by emphasizing the weaknesses, deficiencies and suggested solutions in the conservation and restoration of plaster windows.