E-ISSN: 1309-6915
Volume : 18 Issue : 3 Year : 2024
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Volume: 18  Issue: 3 - 2023
1. Front Matter

Pages I - VII

2. Rethinking the third place: Could the book cafe be the social interaction catalyst for today’s people?
Hasan Taştan, Çiğdem Polatoğlu
doi: 10.14744/megaron.2023.80588  Pages 275 - 286
Third places are gathering places where people spend time in their daily lives between home (first place) and work (second place) and have social interaction with people in the community. As a result of socioeconomic change and technological development over time, third places have changed spatially and socially. This study addresses the types of third places in the literature, focusing on the so-called book cafes, which exhibit both social and functional diversity. The study argues that these places can be called “hybrid third place” based on the concept of hybrid, which is a biological concept. The study is based on the literature review on third places and the observations made in book cafes, which are places where different functions such as café, library, and exhibition space coexist. According to the results of the study, nowadays, new types of third places as well as in-between spaces have emerged. The hybrid third place, designed according to changing needs and socialization practices, is one of them. Considering that today’s people’s only expectation from the third place is not to have active social interaction with other people, the hybrid third place provides the necessary space for an experience that resembles public space and meets this need. In this context, the characteristics of the hybrid third place as a catalyst for social interaction that brings together people with different social roles were identified. Functional diversity, physical and social accessibility, flexible space design, and historical value of the building are some of them.

3. 19th Century (1839-1923) non-Muslim educational buildings in Çatalca province and their current conservation conditions
Melis Bilgiç Elmas, Can Şakir Binan
doi: 10.14744/megaron.2023.26037  Pages 287 - 311
In the 19th century, significant developments took place in the Ottoman State education system as a part of the modernization process. One aspect of the modernization of education can be found in non-Muslim communities, which were already modernizing education due to the various ideological influences. The number of non-Muslim schools increased rapidly and educational buildings became more visible, especially in Çatalca, Edirne, and Istanbul provinces. As a result of wars, migrations, and population exchanges that occurred in the region during early 20th century, these schools generally lost their original functions as the communities using them were no longer present. The article focuses on the development process, statistical information, and architectural features of 19th and early 20th century non-Muslim school buildings in Çatalca Province, where non-Muslims were densely populated. The study revealed that there were roughly 70 Greek Schools, one Armenian School, and one Bulgarian School in Çatalca Province in the 19th century, and only nine of them still exist. This article aims to shed light on the historical memory of the non-Muslim educational buildings in Çatalca Province, both extant and lost, with the aim of better understanding the shared heritage of the area. The conservation status and transformation process of these nine extant structures have been analyzed according to the holistic evaluation of the international charters. In conclusion, this article presents an evaluation and potential for the conservation of the extant school buildings with respect to their original architectural identities and cultural significance.

4. Simplified structural analysis method for traditional timber buildings with cross frame
Rüya Kılıç Demircan
doi: 10.14744/megaron.2023.52284  Pages 312 - 327
The purpose of this article is to develop a simplified structural analysis method for determining the load-bearing capacity of traditional buildings with timber frames and infill adobe walls, which have a very important architectural value in our cultural heritage, against various loads and environmental effects. Numerical models of the existing building are prepared and structural analyzes are performed before the repair and strengthening works of historical buildings. The structural analysis of traditional timber buildings differs from the analysis approaches of today’s modern structures. In the structural analysis of such a building, criteria such as member sizes of structural frames, connection details, and material properties of unit elements may not be analyzed with a simple approach as the methods used in modern structures. For that reason, it is necessary to develop a simplified structural analysis method to reach the closest results in the conservation and strengthening studies of traditional timber buildings. The simplified structural analysis method developed in this article is applied in Boyabat Mehmet Kaya’s House. The building is analyzed in three different scenarios with the proposed structural analysis method. The compression stiffness of the T/C (Tension/Compression) friction isolator element is estimated in a different way, in the first scenario, there are no windows and door openings or deterioration in the adobe walls of the building. In the second scenario, there are door and window openings in the infill adobe walls. In the third analysis case, there are infill adobe walls where material deterioration is effective and damage is observed in certain parts of the building. In the calculations attained, the displacements at the specified points of the building indicate significant findings about the structural behavior of the building according to the compressive stiffness.

5. Evaluation of thermal performance of an elementary school building with the experimental method: Double-skin façade system
Özlem Zeybek, Gülten Manioğlu, Gül Koçlar Oral
doi: 10.14744/megaron.2023.38073  Pages 328 - 343
A double-skin façade is one of the generally preferred energy-efficient design strategies to reduce energy consumption in buildings. In this study, one of the two similar, south-oriented classrooms in a one-story elementary school building in Ereğli, Konya, Türkiye, was turned into a Test Classroom by installing double-skin façade and the other classroom was designated as the Basic Classroom, and hourly ambient temperatures were measured in both classrooms. Hourly ambient temperature values were measured in the Test Classroom and Basic Classroom on 6 consecutive days between January 26 and January 31 during the heating period. The working principle of double-skin façade systems is based on heating the adjacent space by transferring warmed air from the cavity to the adjacent space in the heating period, cooling the adjacent space by transferring warmed air from cavity to outside environment in the cooling period using the openings such as windows and vents on the façade of cavity and glass façade. Openings (windows and vents) in the Test Classroom and glass façade were kept open or closed for periods of 24 h depending on whether it was the heating period to create different experiment set-ups. Ambient temperatures that were obtained with the measurements done in different experiment set-ups with different conditions were analyzed and values of the Test Classroom and Basic Classroom were compared. According to the measurements, 0.3°C and 3.0°C higher temperatures were recorded in the Test Classroom compared to the Basic Classroom between January 26 and January 31 (heating period).

6. An evaluation for “spirit of place” focused preservation approaches in historic environments
Remziye Güner, Elvan Ebru Omay Polat
doi: 10.14744/megaron.2023.20587  Pages 344 - 365
The starting point of this article is the thought that the effort to protect the meanings created by the collective experiences is lacking, even though the physical integrity of a historical environment is tried to be conserved in the preservation activities that have been done or are being done from the past to the present. However, historical environments have existed as a product of collective experiences as well as being a physical accumulation, and they carry these experiences as a meaning. While trying to define this meaning, the concept of “spirit of place (genius loci),” which emerged as a reflection of the existential debates of space, and has been continuing since the end of the 19th century, among the philosophical theorists in the middle of the 20th century, was encountered and the origin, adventure and existence of this concept in the field of preservation were researched. As a result, it was concluded that the meaning deemed necessary to be included in preservation processes is a component that will be identified and documented with the title of “spirit of place.” To do this, a method needs to be determined and the research process needs to be carried out more systematically. This paper, which seeks a method for defining the spirit of place in historical environments, aims to shed light on a holistic approach in which the concern of preserving the spirit of place is included in the historical environment preservation process.

7. “Context” knowledge in architecture: A systematic literature review
Rüya Kuru Yücel, Feride Pınar Arabacıoğlu
doi: 10.14744/megaron.2023.81594  Pages 366 - 386
The goal of this research is to investigate the definition, development of techniques, and consequences of context, as well as to contribute to the growth of knowledge in the field of study. For this purpose, a full systematic literature review (SLR) was undertaken on the methods and approaches that have been used in the generation of architectural knowledge in recent years. The Google Scholar Web of Science and Scopus databases were searched for relevant studies as part of a directed SLR. The article describes the SLR methodology, which condensed the related studies to 79 publications using the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses reporting procedure. The chosen publications were examined quantitatively. The second step of the inquiry was a qualitative analysis of the data, which was based on the results of the quantitative analysis. It has been found that current research on the context of architecture has concentrated on new designs, infill designs, Islamic architecture, and mosque designs in a historical and urban context, as opposed to studies that have concentrated on vernacular and sustainable architecture. Along with the conclusions drawn about the research domains for context knowledge in architecture, it is clear that the studies focus on specific topics such as physical context, sociocultural context, local context, and place identity.

8. An analysis of comparative studies on embodied carbon and embodied energy assessment of tall building structures
Beste Fakıoğlu Gedik, Bekir Özer Ay, Aysem Berrin Çakmaklı
doi: 10.14744/megaron.2023.88972  Pages 387 - 400
High-rise building construction can lead to a “carbon spike,” which refers to excessive carbon emissions resulting from the massive use of structural materials during building production. Furthermore, the embodied carbon (EC) and embodied energy (EE) of buildings are gaining significance, considering the improvement in the operational energy performance of new buildings. Therefore, early design decisions regarding the structural system selection of tall buildings significantly affect the carbon footprint. Previous studies investigated the EC and EE of tall building structures using the life cycle assessment (LCA) approach. The effects of various design parameters on EC and EE are compared. Nevertheless, inconsistencies inherent to the LCA approach and variations in structural design methods used in these studies may lead to incompatibilities in the results. This study examines existing research on the EC and EE of tall building structures through a systematic literature review. The scope, materials, and methodologies employed in the literature are scrutinized to identify current gaps. Results from various scenarios are analyzed regarding specific design parameters, such as building height, structural material use, type of the structural system, and structural components, to identify patterns in reported EC and EE. To enhance the comparability of the findings, further research that adopts a consistent approach is required to explore the EC and EE of tall building structures.

9. Rethinking national parks as a key to regional development: Beyşehir Lake National Park
Özer Karakayacı, Zuhal Karakayacı, Ahmet Tuğrul Polat, Kübra Karkın
doi: 10.14744/megaron.2023.40336  Pages 401 - 413
National parks are defined by showing a unique structure with residential areas where bring various cultural and traditional aspects and sustain local handicrafts being loca-specific. National parks are not only protected due to their natural beauty and resources but also seen as a mechanism to stimulate different economic activities locally. Therefore, it has been necessary to define a multidimensional and layered actor system in the management of national parks. National parks, where are an economic landscape based on knowledge and innovation; being more efficient, more environmentally, and more competitive in terms of resource use; facilitate social and regional integration by encouraging a high employment rate within the framework of inclusive growth principles, are considered not only ecological factors, but also an important element of the planning system. This study aims to reveal the implications of how national parks can be an element of value in terms of regional development policies. Three main topics have been discussed on this subject: evaluations of the social, economic, and governance dimensions. In this study, In-depth interviews were conducted with visitors of the national park, local people, and various institutions for revealing the conflict areas, especially between local people and economic actors. As a result of the study, proposals have been developed to overcome the existing problems in front of the national parks to have an active role in terms of regional development policies.

10. Untapped potentials of governmentality perspective for urban planning studies that focus on the dynamics of health care in contemporary Türkiye
Mahfuz Aktaş, Asuman Türkün
doi: 10.14744/megaron.2023.69741  Pages 414 - 424
In this article, we provide a summary of the theoretical explorations that our research has invited us into. The need for such a multi-layered literature review stems from our depiction of the theoretical limitations of contemporary urban planning studies that focus on the experiences of Türkiye in the face of complicated urban problems, among which urban health care challenges stand out. By considering urban health care as a form of social infrastructure along the lines of efficiency, accessibility, design, and sustainability of social rights, contemporary urban planning studies still make use of mainstream social scientific lenses. We suggest an alternative analytical toolkit, namely the analytics of government drawn on the Governmentality Perspective as one of the prospective ways to go beyond such limited analysis.

11. Urban transformation in the context of the right to the city and citizens’ rights: The case of Trabzon Beşikdüzü
Nisa Erdem, Suna Ersavaş Kavanoz
doi: 10.14744/megaron.2023.30776  Pages 425 - 437
While cities make decisions regarding urban space, citizens who experience effects of decisions are excluded from decision-making processes. Urban plans are generally designed regardless of residents. The pursuit of searching for answer to the question: “Who are managing cities?” by urban politics, necessitates both neo-liberal urbanism and answer to the question “to whom cities belong.” Since the 2000s, the concept of “right to the city” has been frequently brought to the agenda in the search for an answer. The problem of the study is “What are the results of urban transformation practices in the context of the right to the city and the rights of the citizens? In this context, the aim of the study is to discuss the results of urban transformation practices to produce urban space in relation to the violations of the right to the city and the right of the citizens, through the example of Beşikdüzü. The study was prepared with knowledge that urban transformation and spatial changes in Beşikdüzü led to the desire of citizens to own the in 2014-2019. Study reveals that the participation of city residents in the decisions taken regarding the production of urban space hasn’t been enabled, there have been implementations that violate the rights of city residents, and the decisions have resulted in the destruction of the spaces which represent the identity of city, have led to the demand for conservation of city-by-city residents.