E-ISSN: 1309-6915
Volume : 3 Issue : 1 Year : 2024
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Volume: 3  Issue: 1 - 2008
1. The Changes In The House Concept Through Urbanisation Movement With The Reference Yukari Degirmendere-Carsiici Neighbourhood
Didem Ertan Bilgiç
Pages 1 - 15
In 19th century, with the machines getting involved in production, big changes started to take place in daily life. New production industries caused the formation of new transportaion webs to deliver the products and new residential areas to meet the accomodation and social needs of the producers. At this point of beginning of urbanization, designs of the new houses started to differ from the existing ones, existing houses and regions showed up changes.
With the effect of foreign economical aids, these changes started in our country in 1950s. Urbanization primarily effected houses for two main reasons. First, transition to the smallest family type and second, the loss of functionality of the production spaces in the houses. Both the streets in city plan scales and rooms in house scales started to standardize.
As a result, almost all rural areas became undistinguishable, causing dissatisfaction and loss of architectural identity about urban and rural areas.
The examined area, got involved in urbanization movement in 1980s with the increase of industrial investments. Lack of meeting the housing demand caused the old houses turn into apartment blocks. With the change of family structure and loss of the functionality of commercial areas, existing residential began to change meaning.
This paper in which changes in city plans and houses that took place in the area since 1985 is questioned and analysed systematically is important to present data for the design process of new residential areas equivalent to the above mentioned.

2. Problem Of Uncertainity In Planning: Travel Demand In Transportation Planning
Fitret Zorlu
Pages 16 - 32
Spatial planning decisions are necessarily dependent to policies aiming at problem solving, long termed projections, expectations or scenarios. This study investigates the role of uncertainty in travel demand simulation and its implications on transportation planning process. Individuals’ travel behaviors are influenced by their economic status and location
preferences. Hence uncertainty problem reflects to estimation errors in predicting long term travel demand. Uncertainty should be reduced in order to achieve specified planning goals and optimize investment costs of transportation projects that necessitate large capital investment. In the last years, researchers have dealt with this problem and investigate
proper solutions to reduce its influence on estimation errors. This study investigates travel demand variations and discuses possible strategies to respond dynamic and uncertain properties of individuals’ travel behavior. Research outcomes showed that both external and internal uncertainties have significant influences on reliability of both prediction
methods and planning decisions. Researchers have developed dynamic, short termed and flexible planning methods in order to cope with uncertainty. Such models are commonly applied on physically stationary cities. However, structural measures are necessary in order to reduce uncertainty through large capital investments in the rapidly transforming
cities. This study argues that at decision making stage, various strategies and methods may be employed to reduce uncertainties emerging in prediction models.

3. Ellipsoid Reflector Design To Use In Architectural Lighting
Leyla Dokuzer Öztürk, Togan Tong, Şensin Aydın Yağmur
Pages 33 - 52
The luminaire is the main tool to set up a lighting arrangement in an interior which provides the good visual conditions completely. The fundamental aim of luminaire design is to send the light of a lamp, emitting in almost all directions, in the desired directions. The control of lamp light is generally possible by reflection of light. Therefore, most luminaires include
a reflector to direct the lamp light in the necessary directions and great importance is attached to reflector design in lighting. In order to obtain successful results in reflector design, controlling the features of the luminaire such as light intensity distribution, luminaire efficiency, illuminance distribution during the reflector design phase is important as well as
forming the reflector shape according to the desired conditions. Curved and cylindrical reflector designs have been made to provide uniform illuminance distribution by using different point and linear light sources in the research project with the
title “Basic Principles and Recommendations on Reflector Design to Provide Uniform Illumination” supported by TÜBİTAK. Light intensity distribution, luminaire efficiency of the luminaires containing the designed reflectors and the occurred illuminance distributions are determined with the help of a luminaire analyze and design program. In this study,
the analyze results of ellipsoid reflectors are introduced.

4. Acoustical Problems And Requirements In Open Planned Offices- Elevations On A Case Study
Barış Acar, Neşe Yüğrük Akdağ
Pages 53 - 67
The open-plan offices are extensive spaces designed to accommodate a large number of office workers. An open-plan office can work reasonably well when carefully designed, especially in terms of noise. In an open-plan office, full-height partitions aren’t used; therefore spreading noises caused by conservation, office machines ect., can be disturbing. In order to provide good acoustical conditions in an open plan office, adequate speech privacy, speech intelligibility and acceptable background noise level have to be obtained. In this study, it has been intended to investigate the precautions that should be taken to provide acoustic comfort conditions, during the design of the open planned office places which have been in common use also in our country nowadays. For this aim, acoustic measurements were performed in an open planned office placed in Kartal-Istanbul. The office is digitally modeled by using the software Odeon 8.0 which performs the exact acoustic calculations with the impressions of radial analysis. The acoustic comfort conditions has been analyzed in different sound absorption properties and separator heights by the Odeon 8.0 software. In conclusion, the relation between separator properties and required sound absorption values of open planned offices’ inner surfaces are explained by some concrete values.

5. A Model On Reusing Of Secondary Housing In Tourism
Kunter Manisa, Tülin Görgülü
Pages 68 - 78
This article work on the analyze of secondary housing architecture on South Aegean and Mediterranean coastal areas of Turkey, determination of the way and the tendencies of secondary housing owners to participate in a tourism activity that rents their property and to design a model on reusing of secondary housing in tourism sector by the help of interview,
questionnaire, analytic research methods. In this point of view, this research is based on 4 chapters. Chapter 1; the concept and the main characteristics, constitution and the development in Turkey and in the other side of the world, types and categories, examination of quantitative datum in Turkey of secondary housing are shown in this chapter.
Chapter 2; the interview, survey and the analytic research results are shown in this chapter. The architectural analytic research is consisted of secondary housing plan schemes, settlement types and building mass. Questionnaire is consisted of secondary housing owners’ profiles, their tourism activity and secondary housing usage addiction, secondary housing characteristics, their tendencies to participate in a tourism activity that rent their property and its method. Chapter 3; this chapter is consisted of the model study. Determination of the objectives, planning, and organization, interrelations of the organization with other systems, human resources and the duties of the units in tactical
planning perspectives are the subjects that are considered in the model. Proposals of the model requirements are also shown according to architecture of secondary housing and user requirements in the operation of the organization.
Chapter 4; conclusion and evaluation of the research are shown in this chapter.

6. Education Of Architectural In World And Turkey With Comparison Analyses And The Effect Of The Globalisation To The Architectural Education
Hande Nalçakan, Çiğdem Polatoğlu
Pages 79 - 103
Globalisation has effects on many areas in the world. These effects can be grouped as, political effect, effects on the socio-cultural area. One of the common subject is education that is the one of basics of the culture. Changes in the education has many effects on all the levels between nursery school to university. Architecture and architectural education also takes place, in this changing which is created by global world.
In this context, in this study it was tried to show the effect of the globalisation on the architecture and architectural education in America, Europe and Turkey with an examination of the effects of globalisation on architectural education via comparative analyse, in architectural education in Turkey and world. For this analyses, education programs of the
schools chosen from American and European Continents were introduced as credit systems and compulsory architecture for the graduation and also from Turkey architectural departments' course programs of the MSGSÜ, İTÜ, YTÜ, DEÜ, ODTÜ, KTÜ were examined as credit systems, and compulsory courses and hours for the graduation.
In this study, the effect of the globalisation on the architecture and architectural education and so architectural profession has been tried to introduce and some results and proposals have been presented with determining the place of Turkey in architectural education comparatively to the world.

İki Fransız Mimari Henri Prost Ve August Perret’nin İstanbul İle İlgili Çalışmaları
Işık Aydemir
Pages 104 - 111
Abstract |Full Text PDF

İktisadî Mekânin Doğasi Ve Türevleri
İsmet Okyay
Pages 112 - 116
Abstract |Full Text PDF