E-ISSN: 1309-6915
Volume : 1 Issue : 3 Year : 2024
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Volume: 1  Issue: 3 - 2006
1. Designing General Reflectors By Formulation Method
Şensin Aydın, Leyla Dokuzer Öztürk
Pages 154 - 162
Distributing the lamp light to desired direction by desired quantity is provided by reflectors. The most of luminaires include reflectors, so, designing reflector is important in lighting. There are different types of reflectors to form the lamp light. General reflectors take an important part in these reflector types. General reflectors are designed to provide the desired luminaire polar distribution curve. In other words, a luminaire polar distribution curve is taken as a datum and then designed a reflector which provide this light distribution. There are a lot of different methods to design general reflectors. In this study, the general
reflector design which is based on formulation method is explained and done some examples and it is given the results of these examples.

2. Unesco Konferansi Hakkinda Notlar: World Heritage And Contemporary Architecturemanaging The Historic Environment Viyana, Mayis 2005
Çiğdem Canbay Türkyılmaz, Emrah Türkyılmaz
Pages 163 - 169
Out of the 780 World Heritage Sites currently on UNESCO’s World Heritage List, 300 are cities, urban centre or monuments located within an urban context. All of these properties have been identified as being of outstanding universal value to the international community, and it is the responsibility of the international community to cooperate in their protection. This paper is prepared to inform Turkish architectural community about the International Conference:
World Heritage and Contemporary Architecture-Managing the Historic Environment and to emphasize the protection and management of the historic urban landscapes once more.

3. After The Symposium Of Tourism and Architecture / April 28th- 29th, 2006
Selin Emir
Pages 170 - 177
This study aims to report the Symposium of Tourism and Architecture which held in Antalya on the days of April 28 th and 29 th by the Chamber of Architects of Antalya. The Symposium dealed with the topics of the social, cultural and phsical improvement in tourism. Problems and solutions about preservation, ecology, health, culture issues were considered as well. The researches showed that renovation and transformation of historic buildings are much more inadequate than urban transformation. Therefore these academic
researhes with the support of conscious investors will be effective for Antalya as a city of having potential of tourism but not efficent enough. By ınvestigating the local models of history the relationship between tourism and environment will be meaningful.