E-ISSN: 1309-6915
Volume : 15 Issue : 4 Year : 2024
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Process Design and Management Proposal for Urban Design Guides in the Scope of Community-Based Design Approach; Ordu Case [Megaron]
Megaron. 2020; 15(4): 639-662 | DOI: 10.14744/megaron.2020.60437

Process Design and Management Proposal for Urban Design Guides in the Scope of Community-Based Design Approach; Ordu Case

Kevser Üstündağ1, Arzu Erturan1, Gül Sivaslıoğlu Özaltın2, Ezgi Özer1
1Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Faculty Of Architecture, Department Of City And Regional Planning, Istanbul
2İstanbul Technical University, Faculty Of Architecture, Department Of City And Regional Planning, Istanbul

In this article, the “Process Management and Process Design” that emerged within the scope of the “Ordu Urban Design Guide Preliminary Study” project carried out in May-August 2018 is evaluated. This project is in cooperation with MCMill Architecture and Ordu Metropolitan Municipality, ITU Nova Technology Transfer Office and Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Faculty of Architecture, City and Regional Planning Department. It is aimed to involve different stakeholders in the city such as public, university, non-governmental and private sector in the process and to experience “co-production” with this study. In the study, the separation of the design projects from the characteristics of the local is considered as a problem. It has been demonstrated that different dynamics are needed for local design; Community needs and local culture were considered at the top of these dynamics. Within the scope of the study, “community-based design” approach has been adopted. In this study, it is aimed to present a local-specific urban design guide process in which the society is included using innovative participation methods. It is aimed that the Preliminary Study of the Urban Design Guide developed for the city of Ordu will constitute a base for an urban design guide that may be produced in the future. Workshops, participation meetings, guided walks held within the scope of field work in Ordu were among the methods of this study. Carried out in two different scales, namely in Ordu and Altınordu, the study data was investigated and examples of how this data can provide input for future urban design processes and Process Design and Management of the designs are provided. With this work, the processes and tools from data collection to design, from production to post-product programs were defined. Emphasis was placed on equal and joint participation at all stages. Ordu has been carried to tangible examples with design and process suggestions developed on the basis of local identity and culture, social needs and expectations, and the values of urban memory. The community-based design approach proposed in this context aims to bring a sustainable perspective that emphasizes the urban identity and is focused on social participation and open to development. This approach can be applied even in cities with different scales, populations, geographical conditions and cultures, and can be used by local governments, relevant institutions and persons. In this process, it is important that the actors in the city (Eastern Black Sea Development Agency, Ordu University, Ordu Chamber of Commerce, Ordu Chamber of Architects etc.) work together in all projects to be developed based on the identity of Ordu. It is important to ensure coordination and communication with local people in the stages of this multi actor process and to have a structure that addresses the demands of the local by ensuring participation in the processes. It is thought that the participation of stakeholders in the process can be ensured through developing tools used for this purpose such as social media portals, websites, and mobile applications. In the Preliminary Study of Ordu Urban Design Guide, which was emphasized in the “community-based design” approach; It was ensured that the design process was implemented in the data collection and analysis phase. Based on the findings obtained with social participation methods to discover the local dynamics and needs of the society, the steps of the design process based on the identity of Ordu have been defined. As the first example of this process, urban furniture and floor design process was developed within the scope of the study. The importance of this work is to produce an urban design element for the local culture and values of the city. It is also a study that will allow the development of local-specific designs and is exemplified by process design and management recommendations developed specifically for the city of Ordu. The community-based design approach adopted in the study emphasizes that the process is carried out in interaction with social dynamics by taking into account the expectations and needs of the society and program proposals are developed in this direction. In addition, it is important to establish the scope and definitions of local design, production and post-product programs, and re evaluate them in line with the changing social needs and expectations.

Keywords: Community-based design, community engagement; Ordu; urban design guides; urban identity.

Toplum Temelli Tasarım Yaklaşımı Kapsamında Kentsel Tasarım Rehberi için Süreç Tasarımı ve Yönetimi Önerisi; Ordu Örneği

Kevser Üstündağ1, Arzu Erturan1, Gül Sivaslıoğlu Özaltın2, Ezgi Özer1
1Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi Mimarlık Fakültesi, Şehir ve Bölge Planlama Anabilim Dalı, İstanbul
2İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Mimarlık Fakültesi, Şehir ve Bölge Planlama Anabilim Dalı, İstanbul

Hızlı kentleşmenin etkisiyle artan plansız yapılaşma, pek çok kentte olduğu gibi, kuvvetli doğal eşikler ile çevrelenmiş ve kısıtlı bir alanda gelişim imkânı bulmuş Ordu kent merkezinde de kent kimliği ve nitelikli kamusal mekân gelişimi üzerinde sorunlar yaratmıştır. Kent kimliğinin güçlendirilmesi ve yerel halkın kültürüne uygun kamusal alan kullanım ihtiyaçlarının karşılanması amacıyla; yerel yönetim, özel sektör ve kamu iş birliği ile “Ordu Kentsel Tasarım Rehberi Ön Çalışması” gerçekleştirilmiştir. Rehber ön çalışmasının yaklaşımı tanımlanırken; toplumsal katılımlı bir süreç yerine, uzman görüşü ağırlıklı tasarım süreci uygulamalarının yerele özgü niteliklerden kopması bir problem olarak ele alınmıştır. Bu nedenle çalışmanın amacı; bir kente özgü olarak yerleşimin tasarım konularını yönlendiren yerel kentsel tasarım rehberlerinin kurgusu için, toplumsal katılımı ve yerele özgü değerleri tasarımın odağına alan süreç yönelimli bir yaklaşım geliştirmektir. “Ordu Kentsel Tasarım Rehberi Ön Çalışması”nın bir çıktısı olan bu makalede; geliştirilen “toplum temelli tasarım” yaklaşımı, süreç tasarımı ve yönetimi çerçevesinde açıklanmıştır. Farklı ölçek ve temalardaki yerel kentsel tasarım rehberlerine adapte edilebilecek olan yaklaşım, pilot çalışma olarak kent mobilyaları ve sokak zemin tasarımı teması üzerinden ve Ordu ili özelinde örneklendirilmiştir. Bu kapsamda; saha çalışmasında gerçekleştirilen katılım yöntemleri açıklanmış; Ordu’ya özgü tasarım, uygulama ve programların oluşumuna yönelik süreç tasarımı ve yönetimi şemaları sunulmuş; tasarım ve uygulama kriterlerine ilişkin tablolar aktarılmıştır. Çalışmada nitel ve nicel karma yöntemler birlikte kullanılmış; literatür taraması yapılmış, Ordu üzerine çeşitli çalıştay, katılım toplantıları ve rehberli yürüyüşler düzenlenmiştir. Makalenin, yerele özgü kentsel tasarım önerileri geliştirmeyi amaçlayan çalışmalarda, toplumsal boyutun nasıl odağa taşınabileceğine ilişkin süreç yönetimi ve tasarımı konusunda ilgili kurumlara ve uzmanlara yardımcı olacağı düşünülmektedir.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Kentsel kimlik, kentsel tasarım rehberleri; Ordu; toplum temelli tasarım; toplumsal katılım.

Corresponding Author: Kevser Üstündağ, Türkiye
Manuscript Language: Turkish