1. | Megaron 2012-1 Full Issue Pages I - IV |
2. | Next Generation of Regional Inequality: Digital Divide Ayşegül ÖZBAKIR Pages 1 - 2 Abstract |Full Text PDF |
3. | Urban Growth and Sprawl of Mersin City, Turkey: Change Analysis Based on Earth Observation and Socio-Economic Data Burak BEYHAN, Hannes TAUBENBÖCK, Simon SUFFA, Tobias ULLMANN, Jürgen RAUH, Stefan DECH Pages 3 - 25 The aim of this study is the contextualization of urban growth and sprawl experienced in the coastal conurbation of Mersin in southern Turkey. For this purpose, an interdisciplinary approach has been developed by using methods of remote sensing and social sciences. The sample areas, identified by using a series of satellite images available for the period 1987-2009, have been examined using a multi-temporal change detection approach in combination with available statistics and on-site excursions in order to understand the pattern of development. What is evident from this study is that an interdisciplinary perspective on the examination of urban growth and sprawl provides us with timely results that can be employed in urban and regional planning activities. |
4. | Urban Crime Investigation Association Rules in Istanbul Location of the Perception of the Problem Ömer BİLEN, Ayşenur ÖKTEN, Fulya GÖKALP Pages 26 - 35 The emerging problems of rapid urbanization in Turkey has caused social, economic and structural transformations in cities since the 1950s. Istanbul is the city most affected by this issue and is the biggest city in Turkey with a population of around 14 million. Also, crime is one of the major problems caused by rapid urbanization. Therefore, it is becoming more crucial to understand the place of crime among all urban problems. In this study, it is aimed to state the problems of the metropolitan areas of Istanbul and determine whether the gender and the distribution of crime in different neighborhoods have an affect on the perception of crime. According to results, the number of problems reported by women is greater than men, and the problems reported in the neighborhoods with high crime rates are greater than the neighborhoods with low crime rates. |
5. | Türkiye’de İnşaat Sektöründe Yüklenici Firmaların Markalaşma Kriterleri Üzerine Bir Çalışma Seher ÇAKO, Candan ÇINAR Pages 36 - 48 Today, corporate brand is also important for companies that participate in the construction industry as with all companies. Corporate culture of construction companies, marketing and contact points of view, characteristics of products or services, provide the required quality standards, out of the institution professional services, to follow the technology and research and development work are very important to create institution’s brand value. In this study, contractor in the construction sector in Turkey how they understand the “brand value” and fulfill the conditions necessary to reveal the “brand value” creation processes and how well they fulfill them was investigated. For this reason the criterias which are company structure, brand positioning, brand communication, product, marketing & sales and innovation in technology have been evaluated in a survey to understand to follow up the contractor companies in the construction sector in Turkey. Branding and market positioning depend on fullfillment of certain conditions and criterias. It has been realised that corporate culture of companies, quality of the product, professional services, marketing and communications perspectives constitute an important process to increase the perceived value of a product or a company in the market. |
6. | Tasarım Çalışmaları-1 Stüdyosunda Uygulanan Yaratıcı Drama Etkinliklerinin Mimarlık Öğrencilerinin Yaratıcı Düşünce Becerilerinin Gelişimine Etkisi Levent ARIDAĞ, A. Esra ASLAN Pages 49 - 66 The aim of this research is determining the effectiveness of teaching methods based on creative drama activities performed at the “Design Studies-1” studio on creative thinking and design skills. The research’s work group consisted of 67 students who attended the 15-week Design Studies-1 studio (45 female, 22 male). The research is a one-group pretest-posttest experimental design. The theoretical basis of the research is cognitive creativity. The practices stimulating the imagination and flexible thinking skills with the basis of creative drama were used as the creativity-improving techniques. Based on the assumption that creative thinking is teachable, the hypothesis that the “Design Studies-1” program conducted by the first researcher will improve the students’ creative thinking skills was accepted. The data were collected through Creative Thinking Tests (Form A and B), which was developed by Torrance (1974 and 1984) and whose Turkish version was composed by Aslan (1999, 2006). For the data analysis, SPSS 13 program was used. In data analysis, related group t-test and Mann-Whitney U statistical test were applied. The pretest and posttest scores mean of the students were compared and significant positive results were found in favor of posttest between the means of figural fluency, figural originality, abstractness of the titles, expressiveness of the titles, intrinsic visualization, liveliness of imagery, richness of imagery, fantasy, verbal fluency, verbal flexibility and verbal originality. |
7. | Türkiye Yapı Sektöründe Tutkallı Tabakalı Ahşap Teknolojisinin Benimsenmeme Nedenlerinin Ercoşkun Modeli ile Değerlendirilmesi Erkan AVLAR, Pelin KARAÇAR ERCOŞKUN Pages 67 - 76 Today, developments in glued laminated timber technology have been ongoing worldwide and are being used widely by many developed countries. In Turkey, although the technique and understanding of the production of timberwork had been on the same level with other examples in the past, it is remarkable that this technology has a limited number of applications in today’s conditions. Therefore, the reasons for non-adoption of glued laminated timber technology is investigated within the scope of this study. The Ercoşkun model consists of four processes: 1. Information Gathering, 2. Persuasion, 3. Decision-Making 4. Testing. This study deals with the information gathering process which is the first process of the Ercoşkun Model. In this context, the necessary data was researched and an evaluation made according to the steps created for the implementation of the model. Within the scope of this study, the reasons for disuse of glued laminated timber technology in Turkey are determined and the requirements for the adoption of the model according to the conditions of the country are recommended. The result obtained in the study might provide guidance for the correct selection of technologies in the adoption of technological innovations for other construction products, or in determining the reasons for disuse of new technologies and the solution. |