E-ISSN: 1309-6915
Volume: 19 Issue: 4 Year: 2024
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Illuminating fuzziness about Istanbul's urban growth dynamics through the lens of climate change impact with fuzzy modelling [Megaron]
Megaron. 2023; 18(4): 439-452 | DOI: 10.14744/megaron.2023.03367

Illuminating fuzziness about Istanbul's urban growth dynamics through the lens of climate change impact with fuzzy modelling

Gamze Kazancı Altınok
Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Istanbul Technical University, İstanbul, Türkiye

The fact that taking an action about controlling urban growth to minimize risks and adopt climate change is considerably significant in this century. This study explores the influence of urban growth dynamics on climate change indicators in İstanbul, Türkiye’s largest metropolitan area. Unlike many other studies that primarily focus on individual indicators, this research comprehensively examines the association between urban growth indicators (UGIs) and climate change impacts (CCIs) by defining direct and indirect relations, contributing valuable insights to the literature by considering the main components of urban growth in the context of urban areas. Primarily, the literature was reviewed to release CCIs originated from urban growth and to highlight UGIs. After the study area was chosen as an İstanbul, population rate, economic structure and quality of life (QoL) as three main indicators of urban growth one by one were examined and some values/indexes about UGIs was compared with the İstanbul’s value. Fuzzy Decision Making Technique (FDMT) in MATLAB programme was chosen as a methodology to be applied through main indicators which affect CCI in İstanbul. What the urban growth dynamics have effects on climate change was concluded by FDMT graphs that had been interpreted through five scenarios (the worst, bad, medium, good, the best). The study's results reveal a significant correlation between population, economy, QoL, and CCIs. Specifically, it is proof that a high population rate, low economic wealth, and low QoL are associated with heightened CCIs in İstanbul.

Keywords: Climate change impacts (CCIs), Fuzzy logic, İstanbul, MATLAB, urban growth (UG).

Corresponding Author: Gamze Kazancı Altınok, Türkiye
Manuscript Language: English